Monday, December 30, 2013

Freedom and It's Correlation to Good and Evil

Freedom and It's Correlation to Good and Evil

The purely emotional issue so many people seem to have with God is that how can there be a loving and caring God with all the evil we see in the world? The answer is quite simple: freedom. Where freedom abounds both good and evil abound all the more. Freedom seems to be a necessity for both good and evil. God gave us free will and so evil is a natural byproduct from that, not from God's choices, mind you, but our own. If we had not chosen to sin, there wouldn't be any evil. However, if we had not the option to chose sin there wouldn't be any good. God being the Good made a world where good could thrive as much as possible, a world where man had free will, the freedom to sin. We must relinquish our grasp on this notion of fairness in regards to the evil and cruelty of this world and understand that there are consequences for our actions and the actions of others. Our decisions don't simply affect us, they affect those around us as well, wether they be good or evil. We aren't willing to accept this notion and cry foul rather than work on it. So long as we live in a corrupted (by our own doing) world, the dichotomy of good vs evil will always be a constant struggle and a very present reality. Let us therefore take hope in the God who has already overcome evil rather than fault him for the very same evil we helped to construct in the first place.

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