Monday, December 16, 2013

Conviction of the Believer

Conviction of the Believer

Far too often we sit in the pew once and week and believe that we have met some spiritual quota of ours for the week. Are we truly saved at this point? To experience the true love of God and His forgiveness, how can we not be truly changed by this? How can we possibly see our religion as a burden rather than a gift?  For far too long that was me and now that I have truly been changed by God's mercy alone I wish that upon everyone. I think that change and conviction in the believer is just as important to our ministry and evangelism as is the change and conviction of the unbeliever. The Great Commission says to go and make DISCIPLES of all the nations, disciples. The definition of a disciple (according to a dictionary off of an online search engine) is "1. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another. 2. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy." I don't know about you, but to me that doesn't sound like someone who feels burdened to wake up early once a week and listen to some guy talk then proceed to go about their regular lives. What we are doing now isn't cutting it.

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