Monday, December 16, 2013

Spiritual High

Spiritual High

This term seems to come up quite a bit in regards to Christian camps or missions, and somehow people always fall subject to the spiritual high, or temporary passion for God before falling subject to sin and temptation yet again. The fall or valleys really affect these people too, because of how moody or untested they see their spirituality to really be. The truth of the matter is that there is no escaping this spiritual high, nor should we try, but instead we should rather redefine it. Allow me to explain, at said camp or mission we are completely isolated from the outside world, we are in this bubble where temptation is either severely limited or nonexistent altogether. When we leave the bubble, because of our corrupt nature, we will fall to sin and temptation again, so that high will wear off, that's just a part of being in the world, and we can't cut ourself off from the world and remain in this bubble because there is no means of reaching out to the lost and damned in that. And that's not to say we flee from these "bubble opportunities" because escaping from it all temporarily is essential to realigning priorities and spurring spiritual growth. The key to it all is this however, though we may always face highs and lows, there is still an overall projection, the question then becomes is it facing upwards or horizontally? We will be seeing that high wear off, but are we constantly growing in our faith? If we are, then it gets to the point where our valleys down the road will still be higher than our peaks in the present. That is what's so crucial. If we don't allow that high to spur this growth, then it becomes stagnant overall and eventually our spirituality will flatline (I do believe there is a pun in there). So do not fear the spiritual high or try to escape it or it's inevitable come down, but rather allow it to serve its purpose and cause us to discipline ourselves in order to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, the God who divinely inspired them, and ultimately grow in our relationship with Him.