Monday, December 16, 2013



More and more I see pain in people's lives and even some in my own. It kills me to see other suffer and suffering myself is no fun either, but I do believe pain to be a great teacher. Pain can teach us whole new lessons or simply those which we choose to ignore. When I was real young I remember my mom telling me to not touch the stove, I knew it was hot but I wanted to find out for myself and let me tell you, I have never touched a stove since. Sure, we can learn from others, as I should have with my mother's warning, but sometimes we are arrogant and strong headed enough to ignore such heeds. Now I am not suggesting that pain is caused due to our arrogance or even that it is a good thing, I am simply saying that we need to further ourselves in every situation and learn from our experiences, both good and bad.

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