Monday, December 16, 2013



I hear everyone talking about the culture shock and how they realize how blessed we are back home (which is great) but they say how much they pity the people here. A lot of us came to Honduras thinking we will be tools of God to bless God's people of Honduras, but then we're surprised to see God using His people in Honduras to bless us. The truth is God uses His people wherever they may be to further His Word, just like He blesses His people wherever they may be. We shouldn't pity them because we have more, because they are blessed just as much as we are, just in different ways. Living in America we are very physically blessed, while they are spiritually blessed.  Which is apparent by what we did for them and what they did for us. We came and built houses, chicken coops, painted their church, planted coffee etc. But they gave us their love, friendship, prayer, and spoke God's Word to us. And there is nothing wrong with either blessing but physical blessings seem to make it easier for us to become arrogant and entitled which I believe is why Christ said it is easier for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. We don't need to show pity to those who God is working through and intimately acquainted with, show pity to those who do not know him.

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