Friday, January 10, 2014

The Over-Religious

The Over-Religious

I've mentioned this topic before in brevity but I believe it to be something that should be addressed all on its own. Many people today claim that some are over-religious and I claim the opposite. Your religion (or lack thereof) tells you who you are, where you came from, what your purpose is (if any), and where you're going. The answers to those questions should be the base on which we build our entire lives. Saying that people are over-religious is already having the notion that religion is not important and ultimately begs the question for atheism. If we are to believe in God, we are to believe that giving Him anything less than our entire lives is being under-religious. I believe the truth behind this claim is that those who are "over-religious" make us feel uncomfortable and so the issue must lie with them when in actuality the issue lies within ourselves.

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