Monday, December 16, 2013

Back From Nicaragua

Back From Nicaragua

For context, some friends and I were talking about our recent mission trip to Nicaragua and they were all saying how easy it was to grow in our faith there and to serve the people around us and how they wish that they could continue that back here in the states. They seemed to really be down because they couldn't continue what had begun in Nicaragua. This was my response to them.

"There's this book called "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, and essentially it's during African Colinization and it deals with the fact that the more into the wilderness you go (stripping to the bare essentials) the true colors of your life start to come out. So the true jungle was London for breeding this evil in man but it came out in Africa because all the distractions from our true selves were taken. So that's how it was in Nica but to the opposite end. The trick is to find that time and isolationism with the scriptures and the children of God in order to fuel yourself to travel out into this jungle and into this heart of darkness to be the light. So really there shouldn't be a difference because just as many people who love the Lord are right here and just as many people who need the Lord are right here as well. Make today the start of a year long mission."

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