Monday, December 16, 2013

Slaves to Sin/Righteousness

Slave to Sin/Righteousness

Romans 6:18
You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.

Paul says that we were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to righteousness. It's funny to me that we are slaves either way, because we try so desperately to be in control, to be the head, but we are always submissive to some higher power. The truth of the matter is that we are creation, we are not the creators. We were made by a higher power and therefore it is our very nature to be submissive to a higher power. It's interesting to see just how hard it is for us to admit this and how desperately we seek to escape this fact. Many religions and cults have been made to say we are gods or will become gods. Evolution apart from God claims that we will continue to evolve with the end desire to become gods, 2001: A Space Odyssey is a perfect representation of this belief. We stray from the God who loves us and has our best interest at heart simply because we are rebellious and think we can then experience true freedom, yet we fail to grasp the big picture as that we are just submitting ourselves to sin rather than God. A good friend of mine named Stephen Mackey told me this when I brought up this point, imagine we are playing a basketball game. If we make up our own rules, tons of people can be on the court, there can be traveling, a shot can be worth whatever you wish, there's no out of bounds; the game becomes complete and utter chaos. But by submitting to the rules of the game, that is when we can truly appreciate it and enjoy it. We try to find freedom by submitting to sin, but it is by submitting to God that we find true freedom.

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