Monday, December 30, 2013

Short Sightedness

Short Sightedness

For as long as I can remember I have faced the onset of depression, which is something I am thankful for because it spurs me in my growth and introspection, but last year I remember it was starting to get a little overbearing. So I prayed for a break or time off of sorts from it and my prayer was answered. I felt rejuvenated and had never grown so much in my faith like that before, but then some issues arose, which I mentioned in a previous writing "Texts With a Friend," and it became overbearing again. I talked with my friend Zach about it and he began to laugh. Now for me, I was opening up to him in a very serious manner and began to be upset with him as he was laughing. I asked him what was so funny. He said, "so let me get this straight. You prayed for a break from your depression and you got that?" I nodded. "And now you are frustrated when it came back, as you had prayed?" It hit me what he was saying. I began to laugh a bit myself. How foolish and how short sighted I am to not be able to recall my prayer from only a few months back. At that moment the depression was no longer overbearing and my peace of mind had been restored. I am truly thankful for friends like Zach and for being able to share my personal struggles with the body of Christ, something that is vital to our walk.

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