Monday, December 5, 2016

A Critique of Naturalism

But to understand who we are and why we are here, we must first establish where we came from. The Naturalist claims we are products of chance, a cosmic accident. There is no design to man so too then man has no purpose, no end goal. Man is but a fading blink in time. Freedom from purpose has liberated him from all accountability. So then Hedonism would be his logical out working, but as Tolstoy reveals it's all for naught. Nihilism must then be the end result. Man is created by nothing through nothing and for nothing. An untenable worldview to live, yet the unavoidable worldview for his rationale. And so a dichotomy emerges within man. A dichotomy of professing one thing yet living another. Here we find the core of Chesterton's new rebel, breeding chaos amongst the head and the heart. But where Naturalism fathers dissonance, Christianity harmony. Where the inner ache of man longs for purpose, Christianity affirms an intent to his origin. Where man acknowledges right and wrong, Christianity provides an objective author to them. And though man attempts to escape any incurrence of wrongdoing, Christianity offers his only ransom. Man tries to flee accountability for his actions and in so doing subjects himself to his own eroticism in the hopes of maintaining his facade of autonomy. But Christ has held Himself accountable for the payment of man's wrongdoing and of his insubordination. All man must do is bow the knee to his King and his Maker.

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