Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Beautiful Reminder

A Beautiful Reminder

Tonight, I was reminded of what it felt like to be caught up in God's presence. Tonight, I was reminded of what it felt like to not be burdened with depression. Tonight, I was given a glimpse of Heaven. But that can wait. Because for now there is still a fight to uphold. For now, there is still darkness that needs the light. For now, there are still lost that need to be found. For now, there are still broken that need to be fixed. I was granted the highest honor of having the ministry of reconciliation. I was entrusted with the knowledge of the special revelation of God through Christ and His atoning death for our salvation with the sole purpose of going and making disciples. So that is what I'll do. That is the mission which I have been given. And as long as I continue to breathe, that mission still continues. And with it, the depression which God has used through me to reach out to others who share such a burden. The constant reminder of me to focus on things above because of the realization of the true state of things below and the urgency which goes along with it. I am forever grateful for this mission and this tool of depression in God's arsenal that manifests itself through me for combating the evils of this world in order to bridge the gap between Him and His lost children. It is a precious gift which has been bestowed unto me and I will ensure that it is put to its proper use. 

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