Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Three Stages

The Three Stages

This idea came to me a couple weeks ago now and I wanted to sit on it and ponder it in order to make sure that it was sound. Since then I've used it in conversation a dozen times or so and some friends who I have shared it with have also used it in dialogue, so I firmly believe this idea to be accurate and useful. Now what is the idea? It's that everyone is at one of three stages in life. Now before I begin to layout these three stages, I find it important to say that I am using this topic mainly from a Christian perspective but it can be taken from any (a)religious background. Again though, I will use this topic to argue from a Christian perspective.

So the three stages of life are:
1. Accepting what you've been told.
2. Questioning what you've been told.
3. Looking for the answers to those questions.

And sadly enough, I find it that very few people are willing to enter into that third stage. This week I was having a discussion with a friend when she said that she really wants me to talk with her knowledgable atheist friend. She then added "aren't you worried at all that he might prove you wrong?" To which I simply stated "no." You see, almost every "knowledgable atheist" is considered knowledgable because they have these questions or defeaters of God, but very few have ever actually sought answers and solutions to them. I do not wish to convey an arrogant tone by saying I am not worried or troubled, I simply realize that there are good, logical answers in support of theism to anything this young man might throw my way; and even if I don't know the answer off the top of my head, I can search for the answer (to which I am sure there is one) and get back to him. Not only that, but out of all the objections against theism or against Christianity that I hear, 90% of the time it is the same 10-15 questions that keep popping up. Even still, if I must concede an argument in his favor, there are still many other arguments that go in the other direction, so through it all it is still more plausible and logical that God exists. In short, I am not worried because I am at the third stage where as he is still at the second. A lot of people are driven from the faith by the knowledge and intellect of atheists, but that is simply because they were on the first stage: simply accepting what they've been told. So of course someone on the second stage can "show them up" so to speak. But it goes full circle. Those on the third stage can easily "show up" those on the second as well. It's just not publicized as much which again, I believe is due to the fewer number of people willing to enter into the third stage as opposed to the second.

Regardless, whatever life stage you are in I urge you to try to move on to the next in the hopes of eventually finding the answers in the third. I remember when I was an atheist looking at different religions someone said "search for the truth; and if you do, you will always end up at Jesus." Sure enough, that's what happened with me as I am sure that's what will happen with you. You just have to be willing.

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