Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How The Religious May Deny Science

How The Religious May Deny Science

Seeing the controversy of late over the Bill Nye debate, many people took to the internet to show how stupid or ignorant people of faith must be to disregard science in the science vs religion dichotomy, especially in regards to Young Earth Creationism. As a Christian it really is sad for me to see the number of religious people who hold to the Young Earth Idea but I do believe there is a valid reasoning behind their view, albeit incorrect. You see, their personal experience of God or any other spiritual experience is so strong that if they incorrectly view the Genesis account as literally God saying the Earth is 6,000 years old then they will accept it rather than the scientific evidence simply from its clashing with the authority of their own experience. The fact of the matter is though it is a false dichotomy that they have made, there is no real disagreement between the two.


  1. Rob,
    This is Coach Lane. I stumbled onto your blog a few days ago. Love it. Wish I thought as deeply as you do when I was your age. By the way, couldn't agree with you more about the Nye vs. Ham debate. I am reminded of how we (The Church) treated Galilei when he proved scientifically that our interpretation of Psalm 104 was false! Not that scripture lost any validity, but our interpretation of it was at fault. Seems like history repeating itself!

    1. That's a great analogy and one I never even picked up on, thank you for that! It was good seeing you when I was in town, hope all is well.
