Saturday, May 31, 2014

5/31/14 - P

5/31/14 - P

In the stillness of the night
Serenaded by the hymns of rats
A cigar and book to put me to flight
Reflecting upon the ills of my past
Contemplating all the aims of my future
And the realities of the present
There You tie them together with Your suture
There I am lost and found in Your presence

When sirens alert me to the horrors known
Of all of the evils that can be found
In this world, the lives of others, and my own
In this sea of calamities that I drown
Often I've been lost in my own desires
The pride, the lust, the wrath never hesitant
Through emptiness, darkness this path requires
And yet, there I am lost and found in Your presence

But oh joy that my Joy laid down His own life
So that I might be found in Him alone
Separated from misery and all strife
Caught in serenity, now peace overflown
Words can't contain this surge of emotions
Where truly I have found my true acceptance
Anthems of praise, forever my devotion
There I am lost and found in Your presence

But for now there's still more work to be done
But for now there is a good fight to uphold
Of bridging the gap, these two lives become one
And the Way to do so forever be told
Continue the search for my true identity
To continue the search for my true essence
To the world this path is such an obscenity
But there I am lost and found in Your presence

In the stillness of the night
Serenaded by the hymns of rats
A cigar and book to put me to flight
Reflecting upon the ills of my past
Contemplating all the aims of my future
And the realities of the present
There You tie them together with Your suture
There I am lost and found in Your presence